Day 4: not feeling groovy

Day: 4 of 43
Last recorded weight: 78.4

How I'm feeling today: pretty odd. The headache's been replaced by a fuzzy, woolly feeling and I have no energy. It's the same feeling you get when your blood sugar drops - which I guess it is. But I want it to stop.

I've been feeling increasingly strange over the last couple of days, very little energy, heavy head, like low blood sugar without the hunger.

The book says that I could be low in Sodium or Potassium as the kidneys release greater than normal amounts of these as insulin levels drop, so I've bought some Potassium salt and am using iodised table salt with every meal.

I went to my first gym session and did a 1/2 hr on the bike at a shamefully low setting, which absolutely knocked me. I had to go lie in the park afterwards for an hour to recover!

I tried eating some raspberries to see if they would make me feel better, but the change was marginal. Time for some research...

Today's Meal: Grilled Citrus-Rosemary Salmon with creamy cauliflower puree, grilled herbed tomatoes and green salad followed by blackberries with runny cream.

A delicious combination, with the biggest revelation being the fabulous "creamy cauliflower puree". It's pureed with herbs, cream cheese, cream, butter and seasoning and is possibly more satisfying than mashed potato. Before now I've only really liked cauliflower as cauliflower cheese or Chinese stir fry. If you want to cut out carbs at night but love your comfort food (as I do) give it a go.


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