Kill Phase Part One - Day 3 of 4 - water retention!

Day: 3 of 30
How I'm feeling today: woke up feeling nauseous and extremely tired after 8 hours sleep. Got up and discovered my eyes were so swollen I had bags under them! I felt so bad I went back to bed and slept until midday. My tummy feels bloated and like it doesn't belong to me.

At least the redness has subsided. See below images of my face from day 1 to day 3. It's hard to see how swollen my eyes are in the third image.

I've no idea what exactly is making me retain fluids and feel nauseous. I'm hoping it's "die off" - the toxins released by bacteria (and yeast) when it dies, and not a reaction to one of the supplements I'm taking. I'm taking so many it would be impossible to work out which one was the problem!

One new thing I introduced yesterday was alkali water - I bought a jug to filter out chlorine, and it also alkalises the water apparently. I find it hard to believe that this little thing could have made me react as I have though.

It's now 2pm and I'm finally feeling hungry. Not great - this means I miss a big chunk of my kill regime today as I'll only have two meals.

Aim today: cancel my two appointments, make sauerkraut for later, get Progesterone to bring down my Estrogen overload (70:900+) and go to bed at 9:30pm!


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